On 8 May 2023, a meeting took place between the Basel Sports Office, CMS, the Weiherweg-Dalbehof swimming club and the NVS. It was all about access to the swimming hall for the NVS. The cantonal representative was in principle open for a NVS use at off-peak times. However, he made it clear that supervision with […]
Category: Info
Demolition of the swimming hall – new building planned
Completely unexpectedly, demolition work on the swimming pool began today. Enquiries by the NVS to CMS have revealed that it has now been decided to enlarge the water areas in Basel after all. Together with the Basel-Stadt Sports Office, CMS has therefore redirected its focus from the planned transformations in the Dreispitz district to a […]
Advent Window Calendar

This is not an action of the NVS, we only draw attention to this neighbourhood action: Link to the advent window agendat 2022
Information event outdoor area CMS/Regimo 9.11.2022

The aim of the event was to inform the residents of the Sesselacker development about a number of topics: Status of the small & large playground (viewing of the location and project presentation) Status of the swimming pool renovation – project update and information on Discussion on a potential neighbourhood compost Sesselacker Presentation of […]
Sport department 15.11.2022

On 15.11.2022 a meeting was held with the Basel-Stadt Sports department and the Weiherweg-Dalbehof Swimming Club, as well as a representative of Regimo. The following was the essence of the discussion: The swimming pool managed by the canton can only be used with brevetted supervision. The pool can be rented by the hour (more expensive) […]
Information meeting REGIMO

The real estate management company Regimo invites you to the information event/project update on the outside area of the Sesselacker building complex. Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 5 p.m. Meeting point: forecourt or visitors’ car park of the tower house Spiegelbergstr. 37, 4059 Basel Information for residents about the small and large playgrounds (walk through […]
NVS Exchange

In beautiful sunshine today 22.10.22 we presented the current situation of the discussion with the canton on the subject of swimming hall Sesselacker: – there is a little movement – a meeting is planned for mid-November In addition, general topics about the neighborhood, and also some CMS tenant issues were addressed. – Idea to organize […]
Street party at Sonnenbergweglein

On September 18, the street party was held at the Sonnenbergweglein. Info?
Flea market Bruderholzallee

Flea market Bruderholzallee, 4th September 2022 Took place in pouring rain and beautiful sunshine at the same time.
Bermuda Party

On Aug. 13, 2022, the infamous Bermuda Party took place once again – organized for the residents of the Eichhorn-Niklaus-Bruderholzallee triangle. Many thanks to the organisers!!!