entry to the swimming pool

Since summer 2024, it has been possible to use the Sesselacker swimming pool on behalf of the NVS. The official start was at the general meeting in June.

Fixed time blocks:

The fixed time blocks offered at the beginning were abandoned in 2025 because the frequency of participation was too low, especially for family swimming. Currently, all hours are offered in flexible mode, i.e. the certified swimmers simply open a session a few days in advance and the swimming members can buy a ticket to join. When releasing hours, the certified supervisors make sure to clearly indicate whether it is a family hour or a lane swimming hour. The booking system automatically limits the number of users to three lane swimmers or four families, but the certified supervisors can adjust this limit individually.

Flexible time blocks:

The NVS supervisors can open individual hours in the free off-peak times and thus offer swimming opportunities. Talk to the supervisors and find a free hour with them. Here is a list of the certified NVS supervisors.

Book a swimming pool entrance:

Hey – only NVS swimming members can swim at the NVS… Become a member today! 🙂

Here is the logical process:

  1. Apply for membership:
  2. Pay the membership fee:
    • Wait for the membership fee invoice, which will be sent to you by email from the NVS (from Clubdesk).
    • Transfer the membership fee according to the instructions on the invoice.
  3. Create a webpage account:
    • Register for a swimming account on the NVS website under ‘my account’. Set your login and password.
    • The administrator will check your paid membership fee and the signed disclaimer.
    • After successful verification, your account will be upgraded to a ‘swimming account’.
  4. Wait for confirmation:
    • You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your swimming account is activated.
  5. Book a swimming session:
    • After receiving the confirmation, you can log in to the NVS website under ‘My Account’. You will then see an agenda showing the currently available swimming sessions. You can book these as soon as they have been released by an NVS supervisor.
    • The booking process uses Twint or credit card.
    • The current price is 5.5 CHF per entry (adult person or family). We may adjust the price based on the number of swimmers. At the beginning of 2025, the membership fee was increased, but the fee includes a number of free entries with electronic vouchers that can be booked via this website.

Anyone can view the current and complete agenda under the tab: Agenda (read only), but only registered, logged-in users can book the sessions.